- About the Author

Paul ODwyer Oct 03, 2022
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About Paul O’Dwyer

    Like most kids, I developed a sugar addiction early on.   Candy and ice cream were my constant joy but I had general good health except for a lot of depression and bad temper.  I was blessed with a love of sports and many outdoor activities

    However as time went on my eating habits were terrible and bringing on problems faster than I thought would happen.  During my teenage years I really struggled to sleep well; I could not turn my mind off. But that opened the door to my first lessons in health. When I could not sleep I turned on the radio and listen to the Art Bell radio program and afterward was a show called Dead Doctors Don’t Lie.  The show was named after a book which Dr Joe Wallach had written. He said that he had discovered some things about our health that’s often neglected. Back then I didn’t take much action but I did go to the health food store and purchase an herbal intestinal cleanse.  I was amazed at how much better I felt after that.  

    By the time I was in my early 20s I was playing lots of sports.  I was also experiencing lots of mental health and physical problems.  I had hurt my body from sports and other stunts. I fell on my back when I was 16 and was never the same after.  I went cliff jumping one time from 100 feet up and soon realized I had a problem. I didn’t land with proper form and the shock of hitting the water pushed my legs back and to the side. My right knee has never been the same. 

    On my 25th birthday, I had some time alone to reflect and being that it was a quarter century my thoughts were more long term than usual. I decided at that time I was going to try living a healthy long life, if God was willing.  I was so confident that I could that I waited for another 10 years to get started taking care of myself (a foolish mistake.) Also by the time I was 25 I got serious about college and the constant need to study reduced my physical activity to an unhealthy level. 

    I was eating terribly and being sedentary, I started having health problems.  This led to more depression and my injuries were not healing. My life was getting smaller and smaller being restricted by my limitations.  Jobs with any physical demands were too hard to do.  I laid on my back often to read, as sitting became too painful.

    Sometime around age 35 I got serious about taking care of my health.  I began searching for ideas that could help.  To have the vitality and activity of only a few years before became my quest.  At the time I was doing most of my learning as needed with internet searches and videos.  I also looked to scripture for any ideas that would guide me to my goals. 

    Near the beginning of my search I found one teaching that began to guide my journey.  In 1841 Joseph Smith Jr. wrote, “I preached to a large congregation at the stand, on the science and practice of medicine, desiring to persuade the saints to trust in God when sick, and not in an arm of flesh, and live by faith and not by medicine, or poison; and when they were sick, and had called for the elders to pray for them, and they were not healed, to use herbs and mild food.”  

    I was shocked that in modern times many doctors were still administering drugs as their main therapy.  I saw documentaries promoting the virtues and benefits of a plant food diet.

    Fortunately, I also began to find rare doctors who understood the dangers of modern treatments.  One of these is Dr Caldwell Esselstyn who said, “Some people think a plant-based diet, whole foods diet is extreme. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme.

From these and many other ideas I knew I was going to have much support from both my Christian faith and honest science.  

    By age 39 I chose to give up meat entirely.  I discovered I was addicted to many different foods.  I continued to learn.  By age 41 I adopted the vegan diet.  With this step I had many gains including improved digestion, more energy and my joints seemed to work better with less pain.

    I learned that no one was going to take charge of my health and well being, so I had to.  I learned that commonly held beliefs about health in the United States is often wrong.

    While I continue to learn how our bodies work, I want to share lessons learned and offer encouragement to all who want better health.  I want to encourage all who are healthy to make insiteful improvements now so your declining years will be delayed and more joyful.  I know I can help you take charge of your health too.

    This website is a collection of the safest and most natural ways I found to allow the body to heal and continue healthy.  The ideas I will write about here are simple to understand, affordable and sustainable.  The main mistake that can be made is to try these all at once.  I doubt anyone could. These took me several years to learn and apply.

    Ponder and enlarge your knowledge about these things through your own research.  Some of these ideas may be the opposite of what you were once taught, but you will soon see the value of them in your life.    

     Dear God, thank you for the pains which lead me and sincere readers to your healing!