Health Principle #3 - Purify the Flow

Paul ODwyer Oct 03, 2022
6 People Read

Ive got great news! The source of most our health problems have been discovered. It comes from the outside.

Our bodies are in the midst of a stream of ever flowing substance influencing our cells.  It is a river of food, drinks, medicines, soaps, thoughts, mouth products, hair products, lotions, music and visual media of varying qualities. Anything in our world can become part of this stream whether good or bad.

All these streams are a form of consumption and an input to the environment of our cells.

Why are they all an input? Because science is always cause and effect.  There is no true magic or miracles, all events have a cause.  Chemistry reactions happen, energy is robbed or given and the rules of vibration will leave its influence.  I've never eaten donuts with impunity.

It is easy to begin believing that “we can eat all things in moderation” or that “just a little wont hurt.”  Especially when the negative consequences of cronic disease can take decades to materialize.  I fell into this trap too.  What I learned and want to share is that science is working all the time.  A little harm, day after day, adds up.  What we really want to do is discover if something is good or bad for us, and know why.  If bad, skip it. Don’t allow toxicity to build up, just avoid bad inputs. Then consume only good things in moderation.

The wisdom of Solomon supports the safety of this principle.  “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.”  KJV Proverbs 22:3

It takes time to discover all that is harmful for humans to consume.  With a decision to make our health go better and last longer, we can begin by removing one bad thing and add one good thing.  Then make a habit of repeating the exercise as time and energy permits.

For example, living in the hot desert of Phoenix Arizona in the 1990s I used to drink a lot of soda. The more caffine the better. Jolt and Mt Dew were my favorite. Someone told me that caffine as a stimulant was probably keeping me up at night. So I tried to quit the sodas. It was so hard it took me a whole decade to quit. I began by avoiding the caffinated sodas. Later I gave up the dark colored sodas. Sierra Mist and Sprite were left.

Then I learned the carbination doesnt help me become hydrated in the hot desert heat. So I tried to move to just lemonaid. Later I got off Lemonaid, to avoid so much refined sugar, by drinking cold ice water.

Throughout that time I learned that I was saving my kidneys from wearing out early. I inadvertantly stepped into health principle #3 by stopping the flow of some toxic elements to my kidney. In my experience, that's a better strategy than just taking medicines when problems arise later in life.

So how about you? Can you think of something toxic that you are consuming now, that you could begin to let go of to show your body some love?